Home > Blueberries > Blueberry Plants

We believe in supplying blueberry plants that are already well-established in order that you won't have to wait years until you can pick a reasonable crop. So our plants are at least 3 years old and in no smaller than 2 or 3 litre pots, and most will have at least some fruit next summer.

The varieties that we sell are ones that we know produce good yields of high quality fruit - we don't stock ones that crop poorly or which, in our opinion, do not have good flavour. As well as growing on plants ourselves, we also source the best varieties we can find elsewhere and now for the first time we have available some of the newer varieties that have come out of the breeding programme at Michigan State University - 'Aurora', ' 'Huron', 'Liberty' and 'Osorno'. These are all vigorous plants that have large, firm fruit with excellent flavour which we think are well worth trying.

Most blueberries are self fertile to a certain extent, but all varieties produce more and better fruit if cross - pollination between two different varieties has taken place. They all flower around the same sort of time so it doesn't matter if you choose Early and a Late variety .

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Blueberry 'Bluecrop' Blueberry 'Bluecrop'

Heavy crops of large, full-flavoured berries in mid-season (July/August). Vigorous, upright growth.

Blueberry 'Brigitta' Blueberry 'Brigitta'

Large sweet, firm fruit with good flavour. Mid-late season ripening (August). Exceptional storage.

Blueberry 'Duke' Blueberry 'Duke'

Late flowering but early ripening (beginning of July). Medium to large, firm light blue fruit, sweet when fully ripe.

Blueberry 'Legacy' Blueberry 'Legacy'

Medium to large, sweet, light-blue fruit from early August. Semi-evergreen.

Blueberry 'North Country' Blueberry 'North Country'

A low-growing, ‘half-high’ variety. Medium-sized, powder blue fruit produced in early season (July) with a typical ‘lowbush’ flavour.

Blueberry 'Patriot' Blueberry 'Patriot'

Large, superior flavoured berries. Vigorous, upright growth. Slightly tolerant of less than ideal soils. Early season fruiting ( from early July).

Cranberry Cranberry

A low-growing, spreading, evergreen plant producing red berries in the autumn.