Home > Camellias > Spring flowering williamsii hybrids
The Williamsii hybrid camellias have been the most important group of varieties in the rise in popularity of camellias in the UK and Europe.
Williamsii hybrid camellias tend to flower more freely and reliably from a young age and these Camellias also tend to be more hardy than their japonica cousins.
Most are crosses of Camellia japonica and Camellia saluenensis. The winter hardiness is generally inherited from the japonica part of their parentage and the free flowering and tolerance of low light intensity comes from the saluenensis side.
If you are gardening in the far north of the UK, or suffer from extreme cold conditions, this group of Camellias is recommended.
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Camellia hybrid Freedom Bell Camellia hybrid Golden Spangles Camellia hybrid Les Jury
A small bright red, bell-shaped semi-double flower. Upright, dense and rapid growth. Flowers early to mid-season (January to March). Bright cherry rose, funnel-shaped, single flowers. Dark green leaves with pale yellow-green central leaf markings. Upright, slightly open and bushy growth. Flowers March/April. Formal double or rose-form double flowers of deep crimson red in March and April. Upright, vigorous, bushy habit.
camellia williamsii hybrid Anticipation Camellia williamsii hybrid Bowen Bryant Camellia williamsii hybrid Brigadoon
Large, deep rose, full paeony-form flowers. Very free flowering from late February to May. Growth is bushy, upright and slow. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Mid-pink, semi-double flowers in March/April. Upright habit, forming a tall, elegant bush.
Deep pink, semi-double flowers in March and April. Compact, slightly open, upright growth. Very hardy.
Camellia williamsii hybrid Chatsworth Belle Camellia williamsii hybrid Contribution Camellia williamsii hybrid Debbie

Mid-pink formal double flowers in March and April. Fairly compact, upright growth.

Rose-pink, semi-double flowers in March and April. Spreading, rather than upright, habit. A good choice for small gardens or a container.
Deep, rosy-pink, medium-sized, paeony-form flowers. Upright, vigorous and very free flowering over a long period between February and May.
camellia williamsii hybrid Donation Camellia williamsii hybrid E.G.Waterhouse Camellia williamsii hybrid E.T.R.Carlyon
Orchid pink, semi-double flowers with deeper pink veining on the petals. Average, slightly open, upright growth. Very free flowering over a long period in mid to late season (February to April). Light pink, formal double flowers in March and April. Narrow, vigorous, upright growth.
White, semi-double or rose-form double flowers in April to May. Vigorous, upright growth with a tendency to spread.
Camellia williamsii hybrid Elegant Beauty Camellia hybrid Elizabeth Anderson Camellia williamsii hybrid Francis Hanger
Deep rose-pink anemone form flowers. Long arching growth ideal for wall training. Bronze young foliage. Flowers March/April.
Mid-pink, rose-form or formal double flowers in March to April. Vigorous, upright growth.
Pure white single flowers with a striking boss of golden stamens. Growth is slow, upright and slightly spreading. Flowers freely in March and April.
camellia williamsii hybrid Gwavas Camellia williamsii hybrid Jennifer Trehane Camellia williamsii hybrid Jill Totty
Dusty pink rose-form double flowers on a very vigorous, upright, bushy plant. Dark green, slightly glossy leaves. Late season flowering (April).
Pink paeony-form flowers with a white edge. Bushy, upright growth. Flowers March-April. Pure white, full paeony-form flowers, showing a few dark stamens. Occasionally sports plain pink flowers. Bushy, upright growth. Flowers in March/April.
Camellia williamsii hybrid Jury's Yellow Camellia williamsii hybrid Laura Boscawen Camellia williamsii hybrid Mary Phoebe Taylor
Medium-sized, anemone-form flowers, consisting of 9 white petals surrounding about 50 cream coloured petaloids. Dense, upright growth. Flowers March/April. Coral-pink, anemone form flowers produced prolifically in mid to late season (March/April). Compact, upright growth.
Rose pink semi-double or paeony form flowers in March/April.
Camellia williamsii hybrid Mirage Camellia williamsii hybrid Muskoka Camellia williamsii hybrid Rendezvous
Bright, rose-red semi-double flowers with yellow anthers and white filaments. Average, upright, slightly open growth. Free flowering from February to April. Deep-pink semi-double flowers in mid to late season (March/April). Vigorous, upright, open growth.
Bright red, semi-double blooms with prominent gold anthers. Average growth rate with an upright habit. Needs some shade as the leaves may scorch in intense sun. Flowers in March/April.
Camellia williamsii hybrid Senorita Camellia williamsii hybrid St. Ewe camellia williamsii hybrid Tiptoe
Paeony-form flowers with rose-pink, wavy petals. Vigorous, bushy, upright growth. Prolific flowering in March/April. Bright, rose pink, cup-shaped, single flowers. Vigorous, upright, bushy growth. Free flowering over a long period from January to April.
Pink, semi-double flowers in March and April. Compact, bushy and slow growing.
Camellia williamsii hybrid Toni Finlay's Fragrant Camellia williamsii hybrid Waterlily
Large, pink, anemone-form flowers with a pleasant fragrance, similar to roses. Average growth rate forming a bush of medium density. Flowers Feb-May. Pink, formal double flowers in March and April. Vigorous, upright growth that is good for wall training.